Tips for Traveling with Dogs

As much as I love to travel. I love it even more when I can bring my two dogs, Pongo and Dodge. They both enjoy riding in my truck and sightseeing as much as I do. Of course, travel can be stessfull enough as it is and when you add in a furry friend or two it can be even more stressfull so I have put together some tips that work for me and my dogs.

1) Prepare a Dog Friendly Intinerary: As much as I would love to take my dos on every trip not every destination or itinerary is appropriate for my dogs to join. I always make sure that if I'm going to take my dogs that all my lodging is dog friendly and that if I am planning any activities my dogs can come along as well. My dogs hate being left alone in a familiar place when I work so I'm not going to drag them on a trip and leave them alone in an unfamiliar place. If I can't do everything with them within reason, it's just better off to kennel them. If you do take them somewhere where you have an event they can't attend, make arrangements in advance for them to attend a doggy day care while you are away. This will keep their stress level down.

2) Always Bring Your Pet's Shot Records: Just as a rule of thumb, I always keep a copy of my dogs'shot records in my vehicle just in case we are out and about and they get injured. Hopefully, your pets won't need an emmergecy vet but it's always best to err on the side of caution.

3) Purchase a Dog Friendly Vehicle: Ok, so I realize this one might be a little over the top but I definitely bought my truck with my dogs in mind. The most important aspect to me was that my truck have the shifter by the steering wheel so my dogs couldn't knock into it and cause an accident. I know people this has happened too. I also made sure I bought a truck with a full backseat so my dogs would have plenty of room to spread out and get comfortable for long drives.

4) Buckle Up for Safety: Yes, my dogs wear seatbelts. They each have a harness that buckles into the regular seat belt to keep them safe in the vehicle. It also keeps them from distracting me and causing an accident.

5) Pack Food and Water: This may seem like a no brainer but I have forgotten before. I always pack more food than I think I need for them and I bring snacks. I also bring plenty of water and a collapsable dog dish so they can have a drink at every stop.

6) Pack Something Familiar: When not traveling in my RV I always bring a blanket from home that smells familiar to my dogs. Thy have a hard time sleeping in unfamiliar hotels and places so bringing them a blanket from home helps them relax.

7) Maintain Your Routine: One of the best ways to minimize stress on your dogs while traveling is to maintain your regular routine as much as possible. Continue to feed them at the same time and as well as keeping your regular exercise routine. Change is tough on pets so providing as much familiarity as possible will help them to stay calm and enjoy the trip.

8) Have fun! This is the most important tip. You dogs love being with you and experiencing life with you so make sure you enjoy it together and make as many memories as you can.


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