
Showing posts from September, 2015

My Rules to Live By for Traveling Solo

1) Plan Ahead: I say this somewhat loosely because I like to be somewhat spontaneous at times although my spontinaity has at times backfired on me. There's nothing worse than starting a 14 hour drive thinking you can do it without stopping only to get too tired to drive but the only town near you has a convention going on and there are no hotel rooms. I was forced to sleep a few hours in a gas station parking lot which had I had a companion along on the trip would have been fine but traveling solo it left me a bit uneasy. Spontaneous or not, always plan your route. Yes, you can always just jump in your vehicle and punch your destination into Google Maps on your Iphone but there are certain things you should consider before blindly following your phone's directions on a long trip such as road construction, toll roads and especially important to me when pulling my 5th wheel is location and frequency of travel stops. It's not always necessary to book hotel rooms in advance bef