
Showing posts from June, 2015

So, You Want to Buy a House - My Tips on Homeownership

Given my wanderlust and hatred of staying in one place for too long I had never really considered buying a house until I moved to Chanute, Kansas. I already had a travel trailer and when I took a job in Chanute I figured I would just live in it full time. My desire to do that changed when the only place I could find to hook up seemed a bit sketchy and not the best place to live. My next option was to rent and given I have two dogs and I was in a small rural areas there were no rental options that allowed pets. So I decided to explore option three which was to buy a house. Buying a home and becoming a homeowner has been an adventure all in itself for me but I wouldn't change my decision if I could. Here I will share my experience and tips for buying your dream home and getting the most out of your money. #1 Location, Location, Location The location of a home is important for two reasons in my opinion - the price of the home and retirement livability. The location of a home is a