
Showing posts from May, 2012

Safety Saves

In August 2009 I sat in my first Occupational Safety and Health class at Murray State University. I had every intention of getting my degree and going to work with my husband in construction. What actually happened is that I found myself, met some amazing people and continuously get to experience so many amazing things. I sat in the front row on my first day of my Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health class. The teacher walked in and set his laptop down and with a click of the mouse The Safety Dance came blaring out of the speakers. I bit my tongue to keep from laughing and secretly worried that this was only a sign of how the rest of the semester was going to go. The professor was Dr. Fender and he was a classic example of why you should never judge a book by its cover. To be fair, safety isn't exactly the most interesting subject to teach. The semester started out slow and I was unsure I had chosen the right major but by December everything in my life had changed and I